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Konferensi Video Peluncuran Buku "Seni Surgawi" Maha Guru Ching Hai - Bagian 1 12 Desember 2008 - California, AS   
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After over twenty years of sharing her knowledge on how to live a balance life while pursuing a spiritual path, Supreme Master Ching Hai continues to dedicate her time and effort to uplift and enhance the life of all beings.

In recent years, she has written and published three animal books – “The Dogs in My Life,” “The Birds in My Life,” and “The Noble Wilds” – to introduce humankind to the magical world of animals. Supreme Master Ching Hai shared that the books she wrote are works of love:

Motivated by her unconditional love and overflowing compassion for our planet and all of its inhabitants,
Supreme Master Ching Hai continues to selflessly accepts invitations to share her insights and wisdom on a kinder, nobler, and more loving way of life at gatherings with our Association members, symposiums,radio interviews,or via videoconferences and the like.

On December 12, 2008 Supreme Master Ching Hai accepted the invitation to be the Guest of Honor for the “Celestial Art: Glorifying Earth with Heavenly Beauty” book release event in Fountain Valley, California, USA. “Celestial Art” is a new book that features Supreme Master Ching Hai’s exquisite art creations, along with excerpts of her profound spiritual teachings.

Link yang Berhubungan
Konferensi Video Peluncuran Buku "Seni Surgawi" Maha Guru Ching Hai - Bagian 1 13 Desember 2008 - Formosa (bahasa Inggris+China)
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Konferensi video dengan Maha Guru Ching Hai: Peluncuran Perdana "Burung-Burung dalam Hidupku" - Edisi Jerman - 18 Oktober 2008 - Jerman (dalam bahasan Inggris & Jerman)
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Konferensi video dengan Maha Guru Ching Hai: Peluncuran Perdana "Burung-Burung dalam Hidupku" - Edisi Aulac (dalam bahasa Aulac/Vietnam) 11 Oktober 2008 - Thailand
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Konser Hari Jadi Supreme Master Television - Perayaan Kebudayaan Menghargai Semua Kehidupan
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Tur Maha Guru Ching Hai yang Menyentuh Hati: Pameran Galeri Seni Surga Dan Bumi - Bagian 1 5 Juli 2008 - Formosa (Bhs Inggris & Cina)
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trackback : http://suprememastertv.tv/bbs/tb.php/featured_ina/187


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