EPA meluncurkan laporan perubahan iklim.- 1 Mei 2010  
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Stranded marine mammals rescued from the shores of Chile and Formosa (Taiwan).
Upon finding 15 pilot whales stranded on Playa Brava beach in the northern Chilean city of Iquique, some 300 volunteers, police and navy personnel worked for more than 9 hours to return them to the sea.
While three sadly did not survive, the rescuers were successful in releasing 12 into the open waters.

Meanwhile, in Formosa the previous week, a pod of 21 pygmy orcas was found on the beach near Hsinta Port in Kaohsiung County. Approximately 80 Coast Guard Administration personnel initially used boats to lead them back to the sea, with 15 later found washed back on shore and four who had tragically perished.

The surviving 11 whales were then transported directly by boat and released successfully in open waters. Although the exact cause of these events is unknown, experts have cited both seismic activity and climate change effects.

Some of the perished marine mammals have also been found to contain vast amounts of human-made debris in their stomachs.  Our gratefulness all rescuers for your efforts in saving our stranded marine mammal friends.
Let us strive to protect the oceanic homes of the gentle whales and other marine species so that they may thrive in their natural habitats once more.

Supreme Master Ching Hai has often emphasized the importance of being good stewards of the ecosphere to safeguard the welfare of our fellow co-inhabitants, as during an international gathering in August 2008.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: So many whales and dolphins, they wash up ashore and die. There are so many dead zones in the ocean.It’s suffocating them, so they have to swim out of the water where it’s full of the poisonous gas that has been released! They cannot bear it, they cannot breathe. So they have to get out of it.

For them, life is in the water, but if water is full of poison, of course they come out. But when they come out, they die, too. Because they have no water. They stay in the ocean, they die; they came out, they die. There is no choice for them. This is the worst of all cruelty, that the people don’t take care of the environment.
And let all beings keep dying like this.

Just to be vegan, how difficult can it be? Even the dolphins have to swim out of the ocean; because they think like that they can survive, even risking their lives. So why not we can just can change to vegan diet?


EPA meluncurkan laporan perubahan iklim.

Kantor Perlindungan Lingkungan AS (EPA) telah mempublikasikan “Indikator Perubahan Iklim di Amerika Serikat” untuk membantu memperkuat pengertian yang lebih baik dari efek pemanasan global. Tersedia pada situs web kantor itu di www.epa.gov/climatechange laporan itu menunjukkan 24 indikator kunci yang termasuk meningkatnya emisi gas rumah kaca akibat tindakan manusia dan juga lainnya seperti habitat musim dingin dari spesies burung yang telah berpindah ke arah utara dengan rata-rata 35 derajat.

Area tambahan termasuk perubahan pada spesies tanaman berdaun dan masa mekarnya; temperatur AS dan global; hujan deras; dan intensitas topan tropis.

Laporan sedang dipuji baik oleh media maupun grup lingkungan atas presentasinya yang jelas dan menyeluruh tentang efek pemanasan global.


Berita Tambahan
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