Nissan Leaf electric wins Japan car of the year - 12 Dec 2011  
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Held during the first week of December 2011, Japan's Tokyo Motor Show recognizes motor giant Nissan with "Car of the Year Japan" award for its electric vehicle Leaf, marking the first time in history that a zero-emission vehicle has been chosen as the winner.

On December 5, 2011, the Sabah Wildlife Department on Malaysia's island of Borneo calls on the palm oil industry to halt deforestation near rivers to protect the water for human consumption as well as the proboscis monkey, whose populations have declined so steeply that it is now one of the world’s most endangered species.

Assessing climate change across 24 countries, the UK's Met Office Hadley Center on December 5, 2011 stated that, without exception, all have warmed overall since the 1960s, with extreme heat occurring more frequently, while very cold temperatures are being seen less often.