Environment Statement from the IVU council  
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The International Council of the International Vegetarian Union wishes to
bring to the attention of member societies and other interested parties the
growing awareness deserved by the connection between, on one hand, the
production of meat and other animal-based products and, on the other hand,
environmental destruction. While this connection has long been known, recent
reports, such as the FAO's "Livestock's Long Shadow", have strengthened the
case and increased public consciousness of the fact that vegetarianism is an
eco-friendly choice, due to the link between livestock farming and climate
change and to links between livestock farming and deforestation and habitat
destruction, water and energy resource depletion, and food conversion
inefficiency and waste.

The IVU website offers one place to learn more about why vegetarianism is an
eco-friendly choice and about how to inform the public about this. For
instance, at http://www.ivu.org/members/globalwarming.html resources can be
found on animal-based food's contribution to global warming. The
environment, like all issues, is a complex one. It is suggested that member
societies and other interested parties endeavour to stay up-to-date, to rely
on reputable information sources, to avoid exaggeration and to share
resources with other green groups, including fellow vegetarian
organisations. The IVU website and various IVU internet lists offer avenues
for this sharing of resources.