Supreme Master Ching Hai:Lighting Hope for a Harmonious World   
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In September 2006, Supreme Master Television was launched and quickly became the first ever all-constructive
global TV channel. From 14 free-to-air satellite platforms and multiple other viewing channels, audiences around the globe have discovered a diverse array of programs.

Supreme Master Television grew from a vision of a harmonious planet in which all beings may thrive in one another’s caring company. Such a dream would surely still remain just a dream were it not for the constant inspiration and pioneering guidance of Supreme Master Ching Hai.

We have also positive side of life. We have laughter,we have hope, we have happiness, we have love between family members.
We have heroic acts of noble beings, we have animals who are so brave, so heroic, so noble, etc., etc.
We have all beings who are so good and fantastic in this world. We should report them all. That's why we have
Supreme Master Television every day, informing people.

HOST: Moved by her compassionate vision, viewers of all ages and from every corner of the globe have conveyed their thoughts to Supreme Master Ching Hai via heartlines airing on Noteworthy News.

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