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Iran’s Natural Nutrition Society: Promoting the Rejuvenating Raw Vegan Diet - (In Persian)   
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Hallo, thoughtful viewers, and welcome to another edition of Healthy Living, where we’ll explore the incredible role of the raw vegan diet in healing illnesses.

Many real-life cases show that a natural, raw plant-based diet can significantly boost immune system functioning and cure disease.

We now travel to Iran to meet Ms. Maryam Hosseini, who is the founder of the Natural Nutrition Society and has been a raw vegan for five years.

The Society holds regular meetings where the general public is invited to learn more about the raw food lifestyle and members exchange information about the diet.

She is also the manager of a raw food cafe in Tehran. Today she and her friends will tell us about the amazing health improvements they’ve experienced after beginning a raw vegan diet.

For more details on the Natural Nutrition
Society, please email:  rawfoodiran@yahoo.com

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