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Yang Mulia Bill Nolan, Duta Besar Irlandia untuk Zambia   

Ambassador Nolan represents Irish Aid in Zambia, the Irish government’s program of assistance to currently more than 90 developing countries worldwide. Zambia is one of Ireland’s nine African partner countries. She receives direct funding for projects to meet her basic and development needs. His Excellency Ambassador Bill Nolan has a great vision for Zambia’s future through Ireland’s special partnership with the Zambian government.

It is a constructive relationship that began more than a century ago. Schools and hospitals built by Irish missionaries have provided education and healthcare throughout the decades.

(Interview in English) Ambassador Nolan (m):
We like to think that we’ll have played a part in that, in helping Zambians over many generations to get an education and lead a better life and contribute to the health and welfare, economically and socially of the nation.  


Siaran Supreme Master Television berakhir pada tanggal 2 Januari 2012
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