Markus Rothkranz : le pouvoir des aliments crus – partie 1 / 2   

Markus (m): The most powerful animals on the planet, elephants, rhinoceroses, hippos, they don’t eat meat but yet they’re like 4,000 [NFT: 1800 kilograms] pounds of muscle. Where does that muscle come from? And all they eat is green stuff.

Hallo, beautiful viewers, and welcome to Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television. Today, in the first of a two-part series, we meet filmmaker, painter, and one of the inspirational leaders of the raw food movement in the USA, Markus Rothkranz. Markus is the author of the e-book 『Heal Yourself 101』 and recently released a DVD documentary entitled 『Free Food and Medicine』 about how wild plants provide excellent nutrition and can heal us.

Markus (m): My name is Markus Rothkranz. I am almost 50 years old and I look 20 years younger than I did 20 years ago.

HOST: For many, Markus is an outstanding role model who well represents the health and exceptional fitness of raw vegans. However, few people know that he was unwell as a child.

Markus (m): Actually, I almost died four times in my life. When I was four years old I almost died, because I was born with a weak immune system, and this was in Germany, and my parents fed me milk, sugar, and bread. They thought it was good stuff back then in the 1960s, and I was getting sicker and sicker.

HOST: Markus never smoked, drank alcohol or used drugs and tried everything possible, including changing his diet, to improve his physical condition.

For more details on Markus Rothkranz, please visit The e-book 『Health Yourself 101』 and DVD set 『Free Food and Medicine』 are available at the same website

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