Relief news update from Brazil - 25 Apr 2010  
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Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association relief news update from Brazil.
In early April, the state of Rio de Janeiro declared a state of public calamity as it was devastated by heavy rains that triggered floods and hundreds of landslides.

As one of the region’s worst tragedy in history, over 255 lives were lost, while more than 46 people were initially declared missing and 60,000 others were displaced.

Expressing her deep sorrow and prayers, Supreme Master Ching Hai requested that our nearby Association members please go to help the most desperate, including the elderly and orphaned without caregivers, adding that financial assistance was available.

Our Association members from Brazil and Paraguay traveled to the affected areas as soon as possible, covering their own travel expenses of approximately US$1,000.

With donations of US$5,738 from fellow Association members, they quickly organized two sets of humanitarian aid to deliver to the worst-affected municipalities of Niterói and São Gonçalo.

Working with civil defense and social workers from the local governments, our Association members distributed approximately 7,000 kilograms of food for over 700 families, including red rice, beans, soy oil, corn meal and wheat flour. They also handed out informative flyers on the vegan solution to global warming.

Relief recipient, Rio de Janiero, Brazil (F): Master Ching Hai, we would really like to thank you for being a channel of blessings for our children and our community.
Our community thanks you. Our children also thank you. Here is our big thank you. Because  no word  can express our gratefulness for what you have done for us, okay? Thank you very much.
Relief recipients, Rio de Janiero, Brazil: Thank you Master Ching Hai! 

VOICE: We appreciate the willing assistance of the Brazilian civil defense and social workers. Our thankfulness also goes to Supreme Master Ching Hai for her unconditional care of the vulnerable, as well as to our Association’s relief team for their wholehearted efforts and generosity.

With Heaven’s grace, may the Brazilian people soon recover the comfort of regular daily life as such calamities are eased through our gentler actions on the planet.

Carne =