New US policy reduces the role of nuclear arsenal. - 8 Apr 2010  
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On Tuesday, April 6 US President Barack Obama unveiled the Nuclear Posture Review, which pledges that nuclear weapons will not be used toward countries in agreement with the international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Additionally, the Review states that the US will not produce a new generation of nuclear weapons.
These initiatives seek to motivate other nations toward reducing stockpiles and halting development of nuclear arms. President Obama stated, “We are taking specific and concrete steps to reduce the role of nuclear weapons while … deterring aggression and safeguarding the security of the American people."

Further international progress is anticipated during a nuclear security meeting to be held in Washington, DC on April 12-13, with representatives from 47 countries expected to attend.

Our respectful accolades, Your Excellency and United States, for your noble leadership in stepping toward a vision of peace. We, too, share the dream and look forward to a world where all beings dwell in harmonious comfort and safety.

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