Cooking over a Wood Fire with Supreme Master Ching Hai - Vegan Pork with Mushroom Soup   
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( 148 MB )
Vegan pork (optional: vegan ham or vegan fish)
1 Tbsp mushroom seasoning
4 Tblsp soya sauce (optional: Maggi)
2 Tablespoons oil
¼ cup Fruit juice
1 cube of vegetarian broth
4 cups of filtered water

  1. Cut the vegan pork into small cube.
  2. Cut the mushroom into cubes similar to the size of the vegan pork.
  3. Chop the coriander into small pieces.
  4. Put about 3-4 cups of filtered water in a pot. Boil it.
  5. Crumble in the bouillon into the water.
  6. Add in some mushroom seasoning, about one tablespoon.
  7. Add in a little soya sauce, maybe about 3-4 tablespoons. It depends on preference.
  8. Add in about two tablespoons of oil.
  9. Add in about a quarter cup of fruit juice.
  10. When the water boils, add in the vegan pork and then the coriander.
  11. Cover the pot and stir it evenly.
  12. Let it simmer for a while on low heat for about 5-10 minutes.
  13. Serve it with white rice or brown rice or bread.

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