DETENGA LA CRUELDAD HACIA LOS ANIMALES La inescrupulosa crueldad detrás de la carne: Entrevista al Dr. Jeffrey Masson   
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The images in the following program are very sensitive and may be as disturbing to viewers as they were to us. However, we have to show the truth about cruelty to animals.

HOST: This is the Stop Animal Cruelty series on Supreme Master Television. On today's program we feature an interview with an acclaimed author from the United States, Dr. Jeffrey Masson. After many years of teaching and working in the field of psychoanalysis, Dr. Masson began studying the emotional lives of animals in the 1990s.

Over the years he has written nine books, including the international best sellers, When Elephants Weep and Dogs Never Lie About Love. In his recently published book, The Face on Your Plate, he explains how our food choices profoundly affect animals, our health and our planet.

Formerly a vegetarian, Jeffrey Masson now shares how his research led him to change his diet further, and adopt a vegan lifestyle, free of animal products.

Jeff(m):I think there are very good reasons to stop eating any animal product. I would go a bit further than vegetarianism because I remember many years ago, I met Cesar Chavez, a wonderful man, and said to him that we had something in common. We are both vegetarian. And he said, 『But do you eat eggs and milk?』 And I said, 『Sure.』 He said, 『Well, you’re causing more suffering by doing that than if you were to just eat meat.』

It stayed in the back of my mind and now I realize it’s because he was visiting many of these farms where chickens are kept and ducks are kept and of course dairy and cattle are kept. And he saw the conditions, not only of the workers but of the animals themselves. And he was a man of great empathy and compassion. And he realized, "This is wrong." I had to actually see it with my own eyes. I had to visit. It wasn’t enough for somebody to tell me or to read about it.

 I had to actually see what kind of life dairy cows live. And the minute I saw that, I realized this cannot be right. There is something terribly wrong with inflicting this kind of a life on another sentient living being.

For more details on Dr. Masson, please visit
Books by Dr. Masson are available at the same website

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