Sembrando Camotes Dulces en Costa Rica - P1/2 (en espáñol)   
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Parte 2 Play with windows media
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Welcome to our program. Organic supermarkets are proliferating in Costa Rica and around the world.

This growth is occurring in response to the high public interest in organic products, due to a new consciousness that links the health of the body with that of the planet.

To supply such markets, more and more farmers are growing organic crops. To learn about these farmers and the organic farming process we'll examine in a two-part series the cultivation of the sweet potato in Costa Rica.

This vegetable is a marvel of nature that reflects the richness of Earth's bounty. Did you know that the sweet potato was first grown in Central America and then spread throughout the world mainly in the 17th and 18th centuries?

Corn, tomatoes, and potatoes have been the Americas' main contributions to the global diet. Sweet potatoes are tubers that are rich in nutrients and are a wonderful food for all ages. They are ideal for babies beginning to consume vegetables.

They have a sweet, smooth flavor that makes them beloved by infants, but they are also easily digested and thus prepare little ones for more complex foods.

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