Cobertura de los medios principales de la tendencia vegetariana salvadora del planeta   

HOST: Greetings, noble-minded viewers.
Advocacy of the plant-based diet as the most ecologically sensible solution has been pioneered by numerous environmental, animal, spiritual and scientific publications throughout the years. 

Their efforts are bearing fruit as evidenced in the recent prolific media coverage highlighting this important issue. Through its wide reach, mainstream media has catapulted the vegetarian solutionto climate change to the forefront of public consciousness.

From major media personalities such as Oprah Winfrey to Larry King to Ellen Degeneres, who became vegan in the past months, the millions of viewers around the world who tune in daily to their shows are exposed to the topic of meat and its related harmful effects on the health of the planet and one’s personal wellbeing.

On CNN, the world’s first network to provide 24 hour news coverage, with programs available in over 212 countries and territories, Larry King brought in a panel of experts on his show, Larry King Live, to address how E. coli found in meat is life-threatening.

It was revealed that many young children have suffered and died from eating E. coli-tainted beef, or from merely contacting an infected adult. In 2007, a 22-year-old woman became paralyzed after eating a burger contaminated with E. coli.Following is the discussion, 『Should Americans Banish the Burger?』
aired on CNN and published on its website on October 13, 2009.

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