Día Internacional de Naciones Unidas de la lucha contra el uso indebido de drogas - P1 de 2 - Un problema global   

The United Nations estimates that worldwide,some 50 million people are users of heroin,cocaine, and synthetic addictive drugs alone. Of these,hundreds of thousands consequently die each year.
Dr. Robert DuPont,a leader in addictive drug abuse and treatment,was the first Director of the US National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the second White House Drug Chief.

(Interview in English) Dr. Robert DuPont (m):
The drug problem in the world today is not like anything we’ve ever had before. This is a new epidemic.
It started in about the 1960s and it is continuing to spread throughout the world.
Many of the drugs that are on the list of illegal drugs,are drugs that have been around a long time.  
But what’s new is even these old drugs are now used in entirely new ways. They are smoked and they are injected intravenously. That makes them much more powerful than they ever were before. Plus,there’s a whole new generation of chemicals, drugs like Methamphetamine for example or MDMA or LSD (Ecstasy).

Dr. Robert DuPont (m):
These,All these drugs are all addictive substances that have devastating effects on the people who take them.  The way it works is very simple, and that is,the new users are unaware of the consequences of where they lead. They are seduced into the chemical experience of using the drug in the view that they can handle it,they can control it. And of course,once they get in there,it becomes a trap that they can’t get out of.

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