Baxter Montgomery, MD - Optimizando la salud, salvando vidas   

Over five years ago, the highly esteemed cardiologist Dr. Baxter D. Montgomery based in Houston, Texas, USA became a vegan. With a family history of diabetes that increased his own risk,
Dr. Montgomery personally experienced the lasting health benefits of a pure diet free of all animal products. He then founded a program that would help countless others likewise to help themselves.
Supreme Master Television first had a chance to meet Dr. Montgomery in 2009 when he was featured
on our program, Healthy Living.

Dr Montgomery(m):
Over the years in treating patients in my private practice, I realized that you know, treating with medications, the procedures we did, the surgeries we performed, essentially did not control the underlying condition. I noticed that my patients, despite the increasing technology and the medications, continued to get sicker all the time.

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