En honor al Maestro Hui-Neng, Sexto Patriarca del Budismo Zen (chino)   

Today is the birthday of the great enlightened Master Hui Neng, the Sixth and Last Patriarch of Zen Buddhism. Dajian Hui Neng is a legendary name from Chinese Chan or Zen Buddhism.
Also known as the sixth and last patriarch of Zen Buddhism, Hui Neng is considered by many to be the father of the school of “sudden” enlightenment,which favors the practice of meditation over the study of sutras as the pathway to inner realization. There are many uplifting and wondrous legends associated with Hui Neng. They have been told and retold for many hundreds of years within the Zen and Buddhist traditions and also generally throughout China, as well as amongst spiritual practitioners of many a persuasion all over the world.

On this episode of Enlightening Entertainment,let us recall the story of how he became an enlightened Master. According to the Platform Sutra, which is a transcript-xion of a series of lectures given by Master Hui Neng, Hui Neng was born in the year 638. His father had been a
high government official, but unfortunately he lost his position. Banished to the countryside, the Lu family suddenly was reduced to extreme poverty thereafter. Then, further tragedy befell them when, in Hui Neng’s infancy, his father passed away, leaving only his mother and himself to etch out a humble living selling firewood in the small rural community.

Under these circumstances, Hui Neng had no choice but to grow up very quickly. It was particularly evident to his mother that he was a very intelligent child, for the way he conducted himself in his daily chores bespoke this. Although their circumstances meant that a formal education was out of the question, young Hui Neng’s “university” was the marketplace and the rural people whom he lived and dealt with every day. As they hustled and bargained, interacting in all the manner that a community tapestry entails, this became his precious living education. Even so, he remained illiterate at this time.

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