Creamy Cauliflower Soup with Red Beans      
Creamy Cauliflower Soup
1 head organic cauliflower
1 cup water
½ cup onion
Piece of ginger root
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon salt
Cumin seeds
Mustard seeds
Red Beans
1 can organic red beans (kidney or Mexican red beans)
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
¾ –1 onion
½ teaspoon sea salt
½ teaspoon pepper
Italian spices


1. Take 1 cup of water put in the pot and turn on the stove.
2. While waiting it to boil, chop onion roughly for blending.
3. Cauliflower break it into little pieces
4. Put in 2&3 wait about 5-10 mins
5. When 4. is nice and soft, simply pour everything into blender and blend it
6. Put it right back into original pot

7. Peel ginger and smash it and cut them as finely as possible
8. Add 1TBS oliveoil into pan and pre-heat it
9. Put cumin seeds, mustard seeds in the pan and wait until it pops
10. Then put in ginger, stir while counting 30 seconds
11. That goes right into Cauliflower mix
12. Add 1 tsp seasalt and stir.

<Bean dish>

1. Add 1TBS oil into pre-heated pan
2. Shop onion more finely(not for blender), cook it in the pan and stir wait for 5mins
3. When onions are golden brown, take red beans and toss them in
4. Add a half tsp salt, pepper and your favorite italian spices
5. Stir them and warm them for a while

Serve them nicely, with some coriander or etc after your taste
& enjoy!

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