Flavorful Veggie Fajitas with Guacamole (In English)      
Flavorful Veggie Fajitas
6 tortillas, garnished with lime and cilantro
1 organic sweet onion
1 green organic bell pepper
1 yellow organic bell pepper
1 red organic bell pepper
1½ cups organic mushrooms, sliced
6 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 organic avocado
Juice of 1 lime
1 jalapeno
1 shallot

Fajita mixture
1. Put the mushrooms into a large bowl.
2. Slice half of onion. Break up pieces into thin strips.
3. Cut the bell peppers into half. Remove seeds. Also slice into strips as well.
4. Add the chili powder to the oil and stirr up. Pour into the vegetables to coat them. Set them aside and allow to marinate for a moment.

5. Cut avocado in half. Remove the pit. Scoop around with spoon to get the good stuff. Put it in food processor.
6. Jalapeno, cut the top, cut in into half and carefully remove the seeds. Chop it into smaller pieces.
7. Cut the shallot into small pieces. Dice into fairly small pieces.
8. Cut the lime in half. Squeeze the juice out before putting into the blender. Add the juice as well.
9. Blendeverything togetherfor 1 minute until it becomes smooth. Put it into fridge for 10 min.

10. Add the marinated vegetables into a very high-heated wok. Stir-fry it for 6-8mins. Season them with salt and pepper.
11. Warm your pan 95-120C so it's warm. Flip the tortillas after 1-2seconds. Take them out. Add one scoop of fajita mixture. Roll them.


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