Fresh Filled Raw Tomatoes (Meghan + Derrick)(In English)      
  • 5 tomatoes
  • 1/2 red bell pepper
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • 2 avocados
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1/2 cup black olives, sliced
  • 3 tablespoons sugar
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon mustard (please use organic ingredients whenever possible)

We’re here today in Ohio, USA to share with you how to make Fresh Stuffed Raw Tomatoes. That’s right! The season is approaching for fresh tomatoes. If you’ve ever grown tomatoes, you know they keep giving and giving. So, we’re here today to share with you some useful tips on how to use all of these beautiful fruits, and even how to preserve them!
first we’ve picked 5 fresh organic tomatoes from the garden.

We also have ½ of an organic red bell pepper that we’ll use, and some lettuce for garnish.
To stuff the tomatoes we’ll also add 2 ripe avocadoes, 1 teaspoon of sea salt, ½ cup of fresh sliced olives, 3 tablespoons of organic sugar, 2 tablespoons of organic vinegar.
2 tablespoons of olive oil, and 1 tablespoon of organic mustard. First, we’re going to prepare all of the vegetables, and we’ll start with the avocado. We have a really great tip on how to cut the avocado and keep it nice and clean and not messy.
We’ll start, we’ll cut it all the way around, just like this. Then, we’ll use the knife to separate the two sides, like that.
It’s a nice clean cut, I used to twist it, but this is much cleaner.
Then, we’re going to take a knife and we’ll tap it firmly, the seed, just like that, and twist it to get it out. Very easily.

And now, to separate the avocado from the skin we’re going to use a spoon, and we’ll gently slide it in between, right underneath the skin. We’ll do this slowly so we can get a really nice cut and get all the meat out of it. We’ll go all the way around, and underneath, and then lay it on the cutting board.
Next, we’re going to just slice that up and we’ll dice it. We’ll add that to the bowl with the avocado we’ve already cut.

And we’ll do the same thing to the other side. Just bringing the spoon through, slowly around the edges.
Next, we’re going to do the red pepper and we’re just going to use half of it. So, we’ll start off, we’ll just take off the top. We can smell it, so fresh. It’s a really nice fragrance.

We’ll put that aside. Next, we’re going to cut it in half. We’ll set half of it aside that we won’t be using. And this half we’re just going to scoop out the seeds. We can put those in a bowl to compost.
So, once we’ve scooped out the seeds, you can turn it over, and we’re going to slice it. And, we’ll dice it.
So bright, it’ll add a really nice color to the stuffing.

we’ll add that to the bowl with the avocado. And last of all, we’re going to prepare the tomato! This is the most important part because it’s the part of the presentation.
And what we’re going to do is turn it upside down so that it stands up easily. We’re going to cut off one third, just on the top, just like this.
We’ll put that aside and we’ll use it as part of the filling.
So, now we have a nice tomato and we’re going to cut out the inside so that we have room to put the stuffing in. So we’ll do this, we’ll take a small sharp knife and just cut around the edges like this.
You don’t want to go all the way to the bottom because then the stuffing would fall out.
So, just around the inside about a centimeter from the bottom.

And we’ll scoop it out. We can use this part that we scoop out of the first four tomatoes; we’ll save that because we could use that for soup or tomato sauce.
Soup, tomato sauce, all right.
We can use that later. So, we’ll just cut around core, get the core out. Then, to make it look nice, we’re going to use the spoon to scoop out the rest of the seeds so it looks really nice and neat. And there’ll be lots of room to put our delicious filling inside.
You want to scoop out most of the inside, as much as you can get, but leave the membrane because that’s the part of the stuffed tomato. Just like that. We’ll set that aside and we’re going to do that to four of the tomatoes.

And the fifth tomato, can you hand me that one?
The fifth tomato, we’re just going to dice, like normal, and add it our filling.
We want to make sure we dice it nice and small, so we can use the big knife for that. We’re going to cut off the top. Set that aside. Now we’re going to dice it, into small pieces, just like this. So, small enough to fit in the tomatoes right?
bite size pieces.

Yes, and in every bite you’ll get a little bit of everything: some avocado, and red pepper, all the seasonings.
You’ll want to do that to all the tops, as well. Just make the pieces pretty small. Then, scoop them into the bowl, just like that. As you can see, we can pretty much grow all of these ingredients in our garden.
And all the wet ingredients for the dressing you can pretty much find in your cabinets.
Yeah, just some accessories to give it some flavor.
Yes. So, now we are ready to add the dressing.
So, we’ll start with the olives. Could you add those?
Just sprinkle them around the top. All right.
Can you scoop that out for me? All right.
Every last bit. And next, the sugar.
Then, the cider, vinegar.
Yes, the organic vinegar, and we’re using apple vinegar today.
And the oil. Fer’ners
And the sea salt.
And the organic mustard.
Hand to me and I’ll just scoop that out. Thank You. Now, we’ll stir this all around to combine it. Isn’t that beautiful?
So colorful. We’re using mostly all fresh ingredients.
The secret here is we chopped everything really small so that it will fit in the tomatoes very well
You just want to make sure that you stir it really well, to combine all the flavors. All right, we’re ready to stuff the tomatoes!

So, here’s our pretty plate we’ll be presenting them on. What you want to do is just take the filling and put it inside, so that it’s overflowing just a little bit. Just like that! Then, you’ll set it on the plate.
Just like that! And we’ll just do each one of these tomatoes, so that it’s overflowing but still very neat presentation.

Avocados have a lot of protein, as well as other vitamins.
So they’re a great addition to any summer meal. As you can see, we have some filling left over. So, what we’re going to do with that, to use it all, is we take our lettuce leaves and we’ll turn them over just like this to make a bowl, a pretty little bowl. We’ll scoop the rest of the filling into there. And people can eat that just as a salad or as a dip.

We want to make sure we get all the vegetables so we that don’t waste any of the food. There you can see our beautiful final presentation. Here is our final presentation of our Fresh Stuffed Tomatoes. As you can see, we’ve arranged them on a plate with lettuce leaves and some fresh herbs.
As anyone who grows tomatoes and other things in their garden knows, when they’re in season, there’s always a lot to harvest.
So, how do we preserve them?
Well, the extras you can can, of course, and use that in tomato sauce or soups during the winter.
Or, you can slice them and dehydrate them in some kind of food dehydrator.
And still raw?
Yeah! Then, they’re still raw because they’re not cooked to too high of a temperature.
This is what raw foodists do.
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