Delicias crudas con el instructor alemán espiritual de alimentos de vida Boris Lauser - P1/2      
Parte 1
Parte 2
(For all ingredients, please use organic versions if available)
4 – 5 zucchini
1 – 2 carrots
1 – 2 bell pepper
Kelp noodles
Coconut meat
Creamy Coconut Curry Sauce
2 young coconuts (meat and water)
4 dates
Agave nectar
1 – 2 small red chilli
4 – 6 centimeter piece of fresh ginger
2 – 3 tablespoons of tamari or shoyu (or 1 teaspoon salt)
1 bunch thai basil
1 bunch coriander

  1. Cut the zucchini into half.
  2. Take a thin cutter to make a kind of thin spaghetti, put the zucchini on the place, arrange it so that it doesn’t drop anymore, and turn it vigorously.
  3. Put the zucchini spaghetti in a bowl.
  4. Lightly salt it and mix this by hand once a little bit and massage it and then put the bowl there for a while.
  5. Peel the cucumber, cut it into very thin noodles.
  6. Cut the bell pepper into half, take out the core, and remove the white stuff and then cut it into julienne style.
  7. Put all the vegetables aside, and let them marinate.
  8. When enough water has come out of the zucchini, pour the water out.
  9. Add in the kelp noodles into the zucchini bowl, and mix everything with the other noodles together.
  10. Chop finely some coriander and some Thai basil leaves. Sprinkle it to the noodle mixture.
  11. Pour the sauce on the noodle in quite generous amount.
  12. Serve it on a wonderful plate, and pile it up nicely with the bell pepper.
  13. Decorate it with a little bit of fresh coriander.
  14. To make it taste a little crunchy, chop up some cashews in a food processor with a little bit of ginger palm sugar and a tiny bit of lime leaves.
  15. Sprinkle it nicely on top of the dish. And this will add a nutty touch.
  16. Ready to be served.

Creamy Coconut Curry Sauce
  1. Take one fresh young coconut, open the top side, pour out the water, and scoup out the young coconut meat.
  2. Put the young coconut meat in the blender. Add in some fresh ginger, 4 dates, and a little bit chilis.
  3. Add a little bit of salt, some kurkuma (turmeric), and some tamarind paste. Make sure the seeds of the tamarind are all gone.
  4. Add the root of the coriander, the lime, and some palm sugar.
  5. Pour in the coconut water into the blender also. But not too much liquid for the first time so that the hard things that are now in the blender get properly mixed. More liquid can be added later.
  6. Turn on the blender.
  7. To balance the spiciness a little bit, add in a lemon juice and a bit of agave syrup.
  8. Add in the coconut oil to make it softer, and some more coconut juice.
  9. Mix again, and the sauce is ready.

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