Puntos de no retorno de los océanos más pronto que lo esperado   
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Scientists at Australia’s University of New South Wales and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization have recently discovered that a catastrophic “tipping point” may soon be reached causing severe ocean acidification to occur.

Rising carbon dioxide levels quickly increase the volume of dead zones in oceans.

Global atmospheric levels of CO2 are currently estimated at 385 parts per million (ppm).
Researchers state that we are quickly approaching the 450 ppm level of CO2 that would drastically affect oceanic organisms.

A loss in oceanic organisms would render the oceans unable to effectively absorb carbon.
This would in turn lead to an exponential increase in global warming.

Save our Oceans. Save our Planet.Be Veg. Go Green.

Creeping Dead Zones (NASA - 19 Feb 2009)
America's Meat Habit Feeds Gulf Dead Zone (Discovery News - 18 Dec 2008)
Space scientist warns: climate 'tipping point' is near ( - 27 Jun 2008)
America's Animal Factories :How States Fail to Prevent Pollution from Livestock Waste (Natural Resources Defense Council )
One third of fish caught worldwide used as animal feed (Telegraph - 29 Oct 2008)
Half Of US Coral Reefs In 'Poor' Or 'Fair' Condition, NOAA Report States (ScienceDaily - July 9, 2008)
Half of all coral reefs in danger, experts warn (MSNBC - Oct. 25, 2005)

Massive release of hydrogen sulfide to the surface ocean and atmosphere during intervals of oceanic anoxia (Geological Society of America - May 2005)
Hydrogen Sulfide Eruptions Along the Coast of Namibia (NASA - May 2004)
Hydrogen Sulfide, Not Carbon Dioxide, May Have Caused Largest Mass Extinction (ScienceDaily - 5 Nov 2003)

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