A call for all governments to protect public health. - 18 Jun 2008  
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 A call for all governments to protect public health.

Since the implementation of smoking bans in a number of countries, research has confirmed that they do bring about significant and rapid benefits to public health. Rome, Italy saw an 11% reduction of emergency heart-related incidents since a January 2005 ban. France similarly announced a dramatic 15% reduction after just six months of the ban’s implementation. Supreme Master Ching Hai referred to these signs of smoking bans’ success during the recent videoconference with our Association members in Surrey, United Kingdom.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : Look at how many people have decreased smoking. Even if smoking cigarette has not been banned completely, just been banned in the public only, and look how many percentage of people have decreased smoking. And how much disease has been  minimized. How much money of the tax payers have been saved, just in a few months. Can you imagine if it’s banned completely, someday, or if meat has been banned, or has been advised to be less and less, can you imagine how good it’d be?

VOICE: Throughout the world, temporary partial bans or full meat recalls have been made in light of farmed animals that have been fed hormones or contracted mad cow and other diseases. The world’s leading cancer research centers recommend lower meat consumption because of the increased risk of a range of cancers.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : The government is supposed to govern, goodly, rightly. Make it like a righteous thing, like a natural thing! Just like children have to go to school. You see, in some countries, the law obliges parents have to send the children to school. So maybe one day we will oblige all the people to leave the animals in peace, just like the way we want to be left in peace.

VOICE: Indeed, a shift in diet would save lives, medical costs and the environment, all at the same time. We thank Supreme Ching Hai for her wise advice on how we can restore public health and our planet.

Please tune in to Supreme Master Television's Between Master and Disciples on Saturday and Sunday, June 21 and 22, 2008 for the full broadcast of this special videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai with multi-language subtitles.

Carne =