European Union warns of global warming’s effects. - News 12 Apr 2008  
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European Union warns of global warming’s effects.

The European Union has issued a report stating that encroaching climate changes will create significant stress for countries’ food and water supplies, political systems, and international harmony. The report also suggests that world migrations and territorial claims will increase as people suffer from more extreme effects of climate change.

Our deep appreciation, European Union, for alerting us to the scenario of progressive climate change. May Heaven guide us all in acting swiftly to adopt sustainable measures and practices to save our treasured planet and her people.

The World Bank cautions of future water shortages.

 The World Bank estimates that water availability will be 50% reduced by the year 2050 in the Middle East and North Africa.  The bank is recommending governments act now to reduce waste, build more efficient networks and conserve usage. 

We offer our heartfelt gratitude, World Bank, for your timely recommendations.  We pray that ecologically green and effective solutions can be found to preserve this precious resource. 

River tsunami in Chile caused by global warming.

Glacier scientist, Dr. Gino Casassa, said global warming is altering the process of natural glacial ice melts, causing swelling and emptying of glacial lakes. When the Colonia glacier recently melted, excess water filled Cachet Lake. The added water pressure bored through glacial ice that was acting as a dam, and then emptied into Baker River, causing a river tsunami.

Thank you, Dr. Casassa, for your diligent research that alerts us all to the new forms of natural catastrophes stemming from climate change. May our world work rapidly to adopt sustainable living practices to preserve the peaceful support of our Earth.

Carne =