New Case of Mad Cow Disease Detected in Canada -News 29 Feb 2008  
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New Case of Mad Cow Disease Detected in Canada

Canadian authorities confirm new case of ‘mad cow.’ The Canadian Food Inspection Agency confirmed Tuesday the discovery of a six-year-old dairy cow with bovine spongiform encephalopathy - also known as mad cow disease. This is the 12th such discovery since the disease surfaced in Canada. The agency said it expects to find more cases as Canada works to eliminate it. Eating meat products with mad cow disease infected tissue is linked to a brain-wasting condition known as Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease. Many thanks Canadian Food Inspection Agency for making us aware of these alarming findings. For our health and that of our planet, may all humans switch to a compassionate and life-affirming diet.

Ceramic Fuel Cells gets first major order

The Australian company Ceramic Fuel Cells produces mini power stations. The devices, called stacks, turn domestic gas heaters into power generators. Stacks are twice as efficient as big power generators. Gas that feeds into residential heaters is used to produce electricity, which is then fed back into the power grid. The British also plan to soon implement stacks to generate electricity in their homes. What an excellent way to make more efficient use of our limited natural resources, Ceramic Fuel Cells! May all the world's inhabitants become more efficient caretakers of our dear Mother Earth.

Carne =