Global warming will cause more serious health problems. News 9 Apri 2008  
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Global warming will cause more serious health problems.

Canada’s Ontario College of Family Physicians reported that even slight temperature increases will have severe health impacts, particularly on children, the elderly, and those with pre-existing medical conditions. Canadian doctors are urged to gain expertise in new and unfamiliar diseases, saying that cases like malaria and dengue fever are already more prevalent throughout the world and may infect travelers.,

Two human casualties of mad cow disease reported in Spain.

 In the central region of Castilla-Leon, the health department reports that two people have passed away from variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD), the human form of mad cow disease. Spain’s health department stated that another reported vCJD mortality also occurred in Madrid in 2005.

We are grateful, Spain, for your candidness in this news and alerting people to the often-severe health hazards imposed by meat-eating.  We pray that all of the world’s people will soon switch to a healthful and sustainable vegetarian (vegan) diet.  We also send our deepest sympathy to the family and loved ones of those affected by vCJD.

World Bank says global food supply levels are alarmingly low.

The World Bank President Robert Zoellick has said that a combination of worldwide diversion of crops for biofuel use, changing diets and high demand for foodstuffs have depleted global food reserves to dangerously low levels.  Mr. Zoellick forecasts higher food prices for at least the next two years. Higher prices will result in more hunger and malnutrition in developing nations or even in urbanized areas, where food may be plentiful, but residents simply cannot afford it.

President Zoellick, we thank you for alerting us to the dire situation facing many of our brethren around the globe. May countries the world over urge their citizens to adopt a plant-based vegetarian (vegan) diet for a more sustainable and efficient use of our grain supply.

Climate change brings greater flood risks for England and France.

Scientists believe that the changing environment has affected both the Jet Stream and the Gulf Stream, which will bring much wetter weather to Northwestern Europe. Climate modelers such as Dr. Peter Stott at the Hadley Centre for Climate Change in the UK estimate that rain is likely to be 20-30% higher over the next century. The intensity of the rains are also likely to increase, similar to England’s weather last summer where a month’s amount of rain fell in one day. The climate scientists are calling for the government to act quickly in strengthen the infrastructure to cope with the higher possibility of flooding. 

We send our deepest appreciation, climatologists, for your research to help us better understand the weather changes affecting us.  We pray all countries will take quick strides to safeguard the lives of human and animals from the effects of global warming.,,,,,,,,

Carne =