Warming climate forcing animals to move in UK - 16 Aug 2009  
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Warming climate forcing animals to move in UK.
The animal welfare charity Buglife Scotland has reported that small animals such as the orange tip and comma butterflies as well as several dragonfly species are being increasingly pushed northwards into Scotland.

Last month, a female was observed to be laying eggs in a mountain lake at 830 meters when the highest previous sighting had been 650 meters.

Grass snakes have also been observed moving from England into southern Scotland. Experts also caution that slow-moving or less temperature-tolerant animals may not survive even these earlier stages of climate change.

Scientists at Buglife Scotland, we thank you for this revealing report despite being saddened to know of the changing conditions that imperil our animal friends’ survival.

Let us all join to save this irreplaceable diversity and our shared Earthly home.
In times of urgency as these, Supreme Master Ching Hai’s wise counsel is often sought, as in the May 2009 videoconference in Togo, where she responds to a question about bringing the SOS message to young persons.

Supreme Master Ching Hai:You can show how the migrating birds have to fly farther and farther to find a place to nest, and the polar bears swim longer and longer now because there is no more ice until sometimes they drown of exhaustion, or why the neighboring country has so many floods in recent years, so many disasters, etc., etc.

Tell them how climate change is affecting real lives, real animals, real people, and their own lives as well.

But it’s also important to show the young people that there is still hope; we can still save the planet. It’s a chance to be true heroes, by being vegan and spread the news of this solution.


Hydrogen-powered electric plant comes to Italy.
On Friday, Italian power company Enel announced plans to operate the world’s first large-scale hydrogen-powered electric plant in Fusina, Italy.

The 12-megawatt capacity facility expects to be able to meet the energy needs of 20,000 families while saving 17,000 tons of carbon every year. The power station will be fueled by the hydrogen by-products of local petrochemical industries, producing only water vapor.

What exciting news in the realm of clean and sustainable energy! Bravo, Enel! With the support of citizens worldwide, the rapid adoption of such green technologies will surely power a more lush and friendly planet.

Extra News
India announces plans to set up an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) modeled on the US EPA to preserve her natural resources.  

Australian company PedalPower+ designs a device that can charge Blackberry iPod, mobile phones, GPS and other small electronic equipment while riding a bicycle.

The British Cardozo family set a record for the longest solar-powered flight by paramotor traveling 1,242 miles around the Mediterranean, raising awareness for this sustainable travel along with US$16,539 for the disease ataxia.     

Carne =