Hundreds of thousands of Somalis seek drought relief - 6 Sep 2009  
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Hundreds of thousands of Somalis seek drought relief.
Prolonged dry conditions attributed to global warming have threatened the lives of 700,000 residents, causing many to abandon their homes and flee to the country’s urban centers.

However, cities are also in a precarious situation with some food prices having risen as much as 70%. Recent rains have not provided relief, as explained by Deputy Minister at the Somaliland Ministry of Resettlement, Reintegration and Rehabilitation, Mr. Abdihakim Garaad Mohamoud.

He said, “Some rain has started, but animals and people are so weak and [may not be] able to survivethe wet situation.” He also called on the international community to help the drought-affected people.

Other leaders are also highlighting the need for united efforts in solving the global water crisis.
Mr. Samuel Nkomo, Zimbabwe Minister of Water Resources Development and Management (M): Global warming is reality.  If we don’t manage our water resources Properly worldwide, around the globe, we are going to fight a war for water. The world must come together.

VOICE: Minister Nkomo of Zimbabwe and Somali Deputy Minister Mohamoud, we thank you for bringing to our attention the serious situations facing brethren in Somalia and other parts of the world.

May Heaven watch over them as we quickly adopt such sustainable practices as the plant based diet to restore balance to all life on Earth. Concerned for humanity’s well being, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressed the issue of environmental refugees during a November 2008 interview with Ireland’s East Coast Radio FM.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: If we don’t have global warming, then no one would be a climate refugee. I ask everyone to please ,imagine if that were yourself in the refugee’s situation, experiencing all these troubles – insecurities, hunger, lacking all comfort, humiliation, undignified situation, uncertain of the morrows of your future and the future of your helpless children. Just imagine it. Then try to solve this tragedy by helping in whatever way we can. And above all, and most urgently of all, be veg, go green to save the planet, to prevent such trauma and to build a bright future for the world, for our co-citizens.


MeatFree online movement addresses climate change.
Having a voice that counts in halting climate change just got easier with the help of a unique website. gathers signatures to urge governments around the world to support various meat-free policies to benefit the planet, such as eliminating meat for a day a week. Concerned individuals can show their support by signing a country’s petition and getting the word out to friends.

Great idea, team! Wishing you and our planet the success of a big “Be Veg” for everyone in the world!


Philippines creates Climate Change Commission.
A law just passed by the Philippine Congress and expected to be signed into law by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo calls for the creation of a Presidential Task Force on Climate Change.

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, The Philippines (F): I have created a presidential task force on climate change. And the chair of the taskforce is no other than myself.

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo :And the work that has to be done day to day to carry out the provisions in the executive order that I wrote and signed on the presidential task force on climate change is done or is overseen to make sure that it’s complied with by our presidential advisor on climate change.

Senator Heherson Alvarez (Presidential Advisor on Climate Change): Let us work together now to save the planet, and it helps if you are a vegetarian!

The agency will be solely responsible for consolidating efforts to mitigate global warming and will also implement a National Climate Change Action Plan, which includes identifying vulnerable communities and ecosystems.

Representative Roilo Golez from Paranaque, one of the authors of the bill, called the measure “one of the most important bills passed by the House in the 14th Congress.”

Philippine legislators, our respectful accolades for your work together to halt global warming. Wishing you all success in fulfilling the important goals of the Climate Change Commission for the verdant future of the Philippine nation.


Extra News
At the World Climate Conference in Switzerland, Nigerian Minister of Environment John Odey calls for assistance in developing technology such as real-time monitoring of weather events throughout the African continent to better cope with climate change.

The Maldives partners with British company Carbon Gold to create “bio-char” from readily available coconut shells that, when used as fertilizer, enriches soil and also removes carbon from the atmosphere.

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