A call to world leaders for immediate action - 24 Sep 2009  
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A call to world leaders for immediate action.
The Jeju Special Self-Governing Province of South Korea takes prides in her natural beauty, and has made extensive efforts to preserve it through expanding such green endeavors as solar and wind energy.
Dozens of solar panels have been installed in Donggwang Village in western Jeju Island, as the country’s first wind farm has now been catching the strong ocean breeze since 1998.

Kim Tae Hwan, Governor, Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (M): Jeju Province has carried out many eco-friendly projects and is planning to continue.

During the recent international conference on sustainability and children’s health held in South Korea, Assembly Member Oh Ok-Man of Jeju Province asked honored guest Supreme Master Ching Hai about the best way to continue moving toward carbon-free goals.

Commending the Jeju government’s leadership on climate change, Supreme Master Ching Hai went on to urge all world leaders to address the more direct cause of global warming, coming from the livestock industry.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: In order to call ourselves a low-carbon or carbon-free society, we must eliminate our meat consumption, because that is the number one cause for climate change, that is, our meat consumption.

In fact, if we focus on shifting people to be vegan, it will save us much more money than green technology, and of course it’s much more effective.

And I urge you, the government leaders, because our time is running out, we have to act on this now. Please explain to your co-citizens this important truth and tell them we must work together to become animal-free consumers.

We have a very short time to save our planet.
We have a great planet to save.
We have a great precious treasure, that is our children, to save.

VOICE: The response from attending Jeju government officials was encouraging.

Assembly Member Oh Ok-Man – Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, South Korea (F): I felt a lot from the Master, that she wants to save this dying Earth, she loves the environment, animals and plants, and [I felt] her extremely deep love for humankind. It was very touching. I will try to really take action based on what I learned today.

Bu Sang Il – Chairman, Jeju Provincial Party of Grand National Party (M): I learned a lot more about the many benefits of vegetarianism in today’s conference. I intend to change. I also intend to have my kids change their diet as well.

VOICE: Our appreciation South Korea’s Jeju Assembly Member Oh and all conference participants for your genuine concern.

We are especially grateful for Supreme Master Ching Hai’s dedicated efforts to raise needed awareness on the best plan for our planet’s stable future.

May all courageous leaders answer the call to shift the global diet in time to protect their co-citizens.
Please tune in to Supreme Master Television’s Words of Wisdom for the full rebroadcast of this live event at a later date, with multi-language subtitles.

Guatemala suffers acute food shortages due to prolonged drought.
Up to 2.5 million people across 21 provinces of the country are facing what is said to be the worst drought in 30 years.

Santa Sebastiana Pacheco (Mother, Guatemala) (F): One day we might have a little bit of beans, another day rice, another day turnips. Sometimes we'll have nothing but turnips for lunch.

Adriano Gonzalez-Regueral (UNICEF representative, Guatemala) (e): in Spanish:1 out of 2 children are chronically malnourished in Guatemala but in indigenous communities it's 4 out of 5 children: 80 percent.

With 120,000 families who have lost 90% of their bean and maize staple harvests due to lack of rainfall, President Álvaro Colom has declared a state of calamity in some of the affected regions, which he says impacts half the nation.

Director of Save the Children's programs in Guatemala has also warned of malnutrition in children. We send our heartfelt prayers for the grace of rain to arrive in Guatemala and that we all may unite in meaningful action to sustainably support the planet and halt global warming.

Well aware of the Earth’s precarious situation, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often emphasized the immediately restorative effects of turning to more caring ways, as during an October 2008 videoconference in Thailand.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We cannot prepare much. Even if we stockpile some food and all that, it is not always helpful. It just makes the world food shortage worsen. So, we can only rely on the good karma that we can create.

And that we can do. We can save ourselves right now by turning to the vegetarian diet which is benevolent, which is very compassionate, and by being compassionate to others, Heaven will be compassionate to us.

Then you can see immediately the weather will change.
Everything will return to a more peaceful abundance because Heaven is merciful. So if we want to have a good result, we have to start doing good. Be veg, go green, and do good deeds.


World leaders begin climate change summit.
One hundred world leaders gathered at the United Nations in New York City, USA on Tuesday, September 22 to bring fresh energy to global warming talks. Those assembled were addressed by leaders of small island nations, who stated that failure to act decisively on climate change amounted to inevitable, significant losses of lives.

Thirteen-year-old Yugratna Srivastava also spoke to the leaders on behalf of her generation, who will be most affected if the climate change talks fail.

President Hu Jintao of China pledged significant CO2 reductions by 2020 along with further development of sustainable energy. 

US President Barack Obama called for urgent measures, stating that the world faced an irreversible catastrophe, while UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon called upon everyone in society to work together in addressing this imminent danger.

Our appreciation, world leaders, for your concerned presence at this important meeting.
Wishing you unity and success, with our prayers that more attention will also be placed on the crucially needed solution of a vegan humankind to save the planet.

Persistent drought in eastern Africa, which experts believe might be a new climate change norm for the area, is jeopardizing lives and livelihoods of 23 million people across Somalia, Djibouti, southern Ethiopia, northeastern Kenya and Uganda.

Extra News
Russian presidential aide Arkady Dvorkovich announces plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10-15 percent by the year 2020.

Scientists from the US and Iran gather in Finland at the seminar “Towards New Solutions in Managing Environmental Crisis,” to share knowledge on climate change and also bridge relations between their countries.

Carne =