Developing nations face “explosive” swine flu threat - 6 Oct 2009  
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Stating that swine flu could cause runaway outbreaks in developing countries, United Nations officials have called for assistance from developed countries. UN senior influenza coordinator David Nabarro cautioned that despite current attempts to get help from vaccine manufacturers and wealthier nations, only a small percentage of people in developing countries are set to receive vaccinations, or less than half the global population.

Mr. Nabarro urged able countries to donate funds for improved health infrastructures as ways to slow the expected rise in swine flu cases. Some of the most recent swine flu updates include Israel now reporting her 30th fatality, and the US Army confirming its first death as a 23-year-old soldier training in South Carolina passed away from the swine flu. Ireland’s Department of Health announced that two more women passed away in the past week, as 7 new fatalities in India brought the swine flu toll there to 351.

United States officials have noted 6 times as many expectant mothers who have been hospitalized or perished due to swine flu than the general population. The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control is reporting a global total of 4,494 fatal cases, while no longer attempting to tally all the afflicted people across the world because of infections spreading too rapidly to count.

Our condolences to the loved ones of those tragically lost and our prayers for the end of this zoonotic, animal-originated virus. We look forward to the protection of a meat-free loving world that minimizes the risk of such disease and also safeguards planetary health.



Carne =