Hong Kong climate change conference unites to save lives - 4 Oct 2009  
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Hong Kong climate change conference unites to save lives.
Held on Saturday, October 3, the gathering featured lectures by prominent scientists and other speakers from China, Hong Kong, and Formosa (Taiwan), as well as representatives of government, media, and non-profit organizations.

VIPs attending included Dr. Enboa Wu, Vice President of the Hong Kong Applied Science and Technology Research Institute; Rev. Fung Chi Wood of the Hong Kong Anglican Church, and Ms. Judy Chen, Chairman of the Hong Kong Ocean Park Conservation Foundation.

The talks reviewed current evidence of global warming as well as the swine flu pandemic, and proposed solutions. Supreme Master Ching Hai was invited as the honored guest and graciously lent her presence to respond to questions from the audience. Her thoughts deeply reflected the event’s theme “Global Unity: Together in Saving Lives.”

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Today more or less there are only 1,208 days left to save the planet from global warming, from destruction, by all the world’s population becoming vegan. That is a small change and a small sacrifice that we all could afford to make, and should make, for the sake of ourselves and the future generation. Very small change I think, very affordable change, and very reasonable.

But the count down is there to remind us that we have a very short time, just a little over three years for every single person to be veg to save life on Earth.

Again and again I always mention, it’s not just about the physical existence on this planet that we want to save, but we want to protect the children, and by doing that we protect our noble Self, our heroic compassionate Self which is our true nature.

VOICE: A highlight of the gathering was a touching ceremony honoring Bobsy, the founder of the veg-promoting Save the Human! campaign, with the Shining World Hero Award from Supreme Master Ching Hai.

The evening closed with a vibrant music concert celebrating the Moon Festival holiday and its spirit of oneness and love.

Our appreciation, all involved, for a successful conference, and we congratulate Mr. Bobsy on his deserved recognition. We are full of gratitude to Supreme Master Ching Hai who offers genuine concern and clarity for humanity at this turbulent time. May Heaven bless our courageous vegan actions until we see all lives saved and inherent noble qualities preserved.

More insights on neighboring Mars.
Recent 3D images from the Italian Space Agency’s radar instrument onboard the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed more about the planet’s north-polar ice layers.

These show layering patterns that are consistent with theoretical models of previous climate change, with shifts in areas such as the geographical center of ice deposition over the last several million years.

The Orbiter has also discovered frozen water in five meteor-created craters, which scientists were surprised to find was 99 percent pure ice located just below the planet’s surface.

The evidence suggests the presence of vast sheets of ice, indicating previous periods of a much more humid climate. Italian Space Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration and all participating scientists, many thanks for your work in revealing more clues to a very different past on Mars.

May this increased knowledge of our neighboring planet foster a deeper appreciation and motivation to preserve our own wondrous Earth.During a January 2009 videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff, Supreme Master Ching Hai offered further insight into how we can avoid a global warming disaster similar to the one that occurred on Mars.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Within two months, about 90% of the beings on Mars had been destroyed. And then only 0.2% survived, because they went underground and lived in caves and lived next to the water underground which had not been polluted.
Supreme Master Ching Hai: It’s not fun to live underground, I’m telling you. It’s just when you’re forced to do it, then maybe you’d be able to. It’s just for survival.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: That’s why I ask the people, “Please, please wake up! Wake up!” It’s so easy to just be vegetarian, be vegan. So easy just to leave the animals and other beings alone. So easy just to live in peace. Very easy, everyone can do it. Every individual just chooses peace and there will be peace on Earth.

North America's leading sports leagues go green.
Major league sports in the United States and Canada have been putting the focus on environmental awareness, with organizations such as Major League Baseball partnering with the Natural Resources Defense Council to create a Team Greening Program that now coordinates eco-friendly practices such as recycling
and energy-efficient standards for major league teams nationwide.

Other leagues that have joined include the National Football League, which has also highlighted recycling programs and sustainable energy as well as investment in reforestation; the National Basketball Association, which encourages team members in planting trees and cleaning up parks, and the National Hockey League, which has been improving operational efficiency and use of sustainable resources to offset greenhouse gases.

Kudos to all North American sports leagues and players for your green efforts and for encouraging eco-friendly practices among your many fans. May such eco-initiatives continue to expand in loving care for our environment and co-inhabitants.

Extra News
A report on climate change by the US-based nonprofit policy research organization, Center for Global Development, lists the 20 cities most at risk from sea level rise, with the three most endangered being Manila, Philippines; Alexandria, Egypt; and Lagos, Nigeria.

The 200-page United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) draft document being discussed by climate officials in Bangkok, Thailand this week is now available online at www.unfccc.int for the public to view.

Carne =