Reconociendo el papel de los animales en el equilibrio de la Tierra- 12 Nov 2009  
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Reconociendo el papel de los animales en el equilibrio de la Tierra.
Since time immemorial, religious script-xures and sages have all suggested ways that humans can live in greater harmony with the environment, including our animal co-inhabitants.

As we see nature deteriorating due to climate change, the importance of valuing the animals’ beneficial role – and therefore their lives – is even greater. The larger the scale of destruction, such as through modern livestock farming and meat production, the more imperiled the state of our biosphere.

As Indian Parliament Member Maneka Gandhi stated in a video message delivered during the recent climate change conference in Washington DC, USA:
Maneka Gandhi – Indian Parliament Member, Former Indian Environment Minister, Vegetarian (F): Maybe this is the ultimate lesson that nature is trying to teach us. Good begets good.
Don’t kill and don’t be killed.

VOICE: Supreme Master Ching Hai, who was the honored guest at the videoconference, further explained the tolls of slaughtering animals for meat.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: As we are being deluded more and more into the killing of the animals and destroying the environment, the atmosphere of our planet also being depleted of love and happiness.
Therefore, these animals were born here in order to balance it, to help us to fill in the void of love that we lost through our inconsiderate actions.

But sadly, we kill them. We kill our benefactor, just because we are blind. We are so blind spiritually, telepathically and psychically that we don’t see who are friends and who are not. Sadly, the friends we can see, like the whales, the seals,  we don’t recognize.

But the enemies, we don’t see, but we listen to. That is the force of the ego, the force of the negative in this world. So we do many wrong things that we regret, or at the time of death we regret, because at that time we can see whatever wrong things we do, just like watching cinemas, and we feel very sorry that we have done such things due to not knowing, due to being misled. These animals, they are really our friends; they are our benefactors. So, if we kill these beings, we really killing ourselves. We take out the balance that is greatly needed especially at this time, in our dire situation.

VOZ: Nuestro agradecimiento, todos los oradores y participantes de esta significativa conferencia. También agradecemos a la Maestra Suprema Ching Hai por alentar a la humanidad hacia cada vez más virtuosos estándares.
Que nuestros esfuerzos unidos pronto den la bienvenida un amoroso y pacífico florecer global vibrante vida. Por favor sintonce Palabras de sabiduría en Suprema Master Television para la retransmición completa de este evento en vivo en una fecha posterior, con subtítulos en multi-idioma .
Elefantes en peligro de extinción en 15 años.
Twenty years after the ivory trade was declared illegal, conservation experts warn that only 600,000 African elephants remain as the animals continue to disappear due to illegal poaching. With over 100 elephants killed across the continent each day, Chad’s Zakouma National Park, which was home to 3,885 elephants in 2005, has sadly dwindled to just 617.

The International Fund for Animal Welfare has called on the European Union and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) for immediate action to ban any support of ivory sales.
We are deeply saddened to know of the tragic loss of the African elephant. Our prayers that the international community unites to preserve this beloved species so that our children may still be graced by their presence and our world continues to be blessed by their power of love..

In her tireless efforts to protect Earth’s inhabitants, Supreme Master Ching Hai often emphasizes our need to be better stewards of our ecosphere, as during a July 2008 videoconference in Formosa (Taiwan).

Supreme Master Ching Hai: You see, these things are very sad. It happens a lot and we still did not learn to be responsible and to feel for the environment and the helpless animals, which are our friends and helpers.

We just feel like it doesn’t concern us or that we are not responsible for their plight, for the death and disappearance of our precious co-inhabitants. But the fact is that we are responsible.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: We have to stop the harmful effect of meat consumption, then we will see a happy, sufficient and satisfied world manifest in front of our eyes in a matter of weeks.


Invitación para votar por prioridades para Copenhague.
Ahead of the December United Nations climate change conference, Denmark’s government and Google’s YouTube have created a channel called “Raise Your Voice and Change Climate Change,” inviting world citizens to communicate their perspectives on global warming issues via their own videos. After a voting process
that is open from now until November 30, the two most popular videos will be aired globally during the Copenhagen conference and heard by world leaders.

Among those being submitted for the vote is one from Supreme Master Television that conveys the views of scientists, other experts and the public about the devastating climate impacts of animal agriculture.
Viewers can express their similar concern to Copenhagen leaders by voting for this video. Simply go to, click on the Vote button at the top, search using the keyword “SupremeMasterTV,” watch the video completely, then vote.What an exciting way to lend your voice to the world’s climate change discussion!

May everyone’s vote bring the Copenhagen leaders’ focus to the effective vegan solution for both the Earth’s and human survival.


Noticias Extra
Giraffes indigenous to Niger, which had dwindled to 50 by 1996, have made a miraculous comeback and now number 200, thanks to the efforts of conservationists, the government and villagers.

To clean indoor air, which is estimated to be 12 times more polluted than outdoor air, US researchers identify five plants – the purple waffle plant, (NFT: Hemigraphis alternata) English ivy, (NFT: Hedera helix) the waxy plant, (NFT: Hoya carnosa) Asparagus fern and (NFT: Asparagus densiflorus) the purple heart plant (NFT: Tradescantia pallida) – as being the best for removing air pollutants.

Malaysia’s department of Agriculture announces its first fresh produce farm to be certified as organic, with three more currently in progress.

Carne =