Diez ciudades de EEUU dan un paso adelante al Reto Comunidad Ecológica de California - 8 Nov 2009  
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Ten US cities step up to the California Green Community Challenge.
The US-based Environmental Media Association (EMA) in cooperation with other organizations extended a challenge to cities throughout Southern California to earn recognition as a “California Green Community” by 2012.

Ten city leaders including Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa accepted the invitation to develop Green Community Action Plans that would improve management of natural resources and help co-citizens make sustainable lifestyle choices. Supreme Master Television went on location.

Supreme Master TV (F): First of all, congratulations on being part of the ten cities of this green community challenge in California. What are some changes you see happening in your city?

Mayor Mary Ann Luz of Monrovia, California (F): Well our city has been working for about three years very consistently. We work on all aspects – we work with the water, we work with the trash, we work with our fleet.
Supreme Master TV (F): Do you see advocating vegetarianism as part of your cities plan?

Mayor Mary Ann Luz of Monrovia, California (F): Well it just makes good sense to talk to your citizens about eating healthy, and vegetarian is eating healthy. One of our goals is to work with our citizens for their health, and I see that as being a big aspect of it. 

VOICE: Also lending their support at the launch event were eco-conscious Hollywood celebrities such as Daryl Hannah and Frances Fisher, both of whom are vegans.

Supreme Master TV (F): A vegan yourself, you know a plant-based diet is one of the best things you can do to help the planet. What do you think communities can do to help promote that?

Daryl Hannah – Noted Hollywood actress, Vegan (F): Well, farmer’s markets I think go a long way towards promoting a vegan diet because they make real fresh fruits and vegetables available to people and show people that you just don’t have to eat like a rabbit in order to eat vegetarian or vegan.

Frances Fisher – Famous Hollywood actress, Vegan (F): You talk about what happens on the planet, there’s more off-gassing with what happens with animals than cars. Also the effect on the environment just psychically of killing animals – I just feel that that’s not necessary anymore. There are other ways to get nutrition than killing animals.

VOICE: Congratulations Southern California city mayors and cities on rising to the occasion for collective sustainable action.

Many thanks to EMA, celebrities and all involved in encouraging the role model of every community in saving the planet.

New film shows the humanitarian and planetary costs of meat eating.
The documentary “Killing Fields: The Battle to Feed Factory Farms,” produced by US-based Friends of the Earth and Food & Water Watch, reveals the devastating impact that growing soy for livestock feed is having on the people and environment of Paraguay.

With large agribusinesses finding the area attractive because of cheap land prices, minimal environmental regulations and low export taxation, the Paraguayan ecosphere is being destroyed by a combination of deforestation and excessive pesticides applied to the primarily genetically modified crops.

The documentary reveals one person’s account of her son’s death from exposure to the toxic chemicals.
With an estimated 97% of globally produced soymeal going to animal feed, Paraguay has become the sixth largest producer of soy and the fourth largest exporter.

Our sincere appreciation, Friends of the Earth and Food & Water Watch and all others involved for revealing more of the disturbing truth about meat production.

May everyone soon realize that we must stop meat consumption now to preserve humanity and the planet.
Choosing the compassionate Earth-saving diet has long been encouraged by Supreme Master Ching Hai, who again warned of the harms of the livestock industry during an October 2008 videoconference in Thailand.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Meat consumption is responsible for heart disease, for cancer, for diabetes, obesity, and environmental destruction. And it pollutes most of the water bodies, it deforests the lungs of the Earth, and it consumes the world’s soy product, and even 40% of the grain that’s supposed to feed the humans instead of feeding the cattle.

Causes world hungers and wars, 80% cause of global warming. And that is already scaled down. Otherwise, some scientists say it causes 95% of global warming. Don’t eat meat anymore.  Be veg, go green, and do good deeds.


Extra News
Australian reef fish ecologists find that bleached coral, which has died due to increased temperature and acidification, causes bigger fish to become more aggressive, resulting in smaller fish perishing four times as quickly.

Venezuela institutes water rationing, which may cause rolling water blackouts for periods of up to 48 hours throughout the capital of Caracas and surrounding areas but is considered necessary to conserve water in the face of prolonged drought.  

French Ecology Minister Jean-Louis Borloo proposes a plan to be presented at the Copenhagen climate talks that could generate up to €20 billion per year as a contribution from industrialized countries to mitigate global warming effects in developing nations.

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