Alimentar con aceite de palma al ganado lácteo está llevando a la destrucción de los bosques asiáticos- 30 Oct 2009  
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Feeding palm oil to dairy cattle is driving Asian rainforest destruction.
Greenpeace New Zealand has reported that the dairy industry contributes to Indonesian and Malaysian deforestation by feeding dairy cattle palm kernel expeller (PKE).

They estimate that one New Zealand dairy company alone is responsible for 364,000 tons of greenhouse gas due to PKE feed, with additional emissions from the cattle themselves. Indonesian palm plantations are also known to provide PKE for domestic cattle. With cattle grazing and growth of animal feed that drives rainforest destruction in the Amazon, Greenpeace New Zealand explained in this report that PKE for animal feed is one of the top three palm oil uses.

Our appreciation, Greenpeace New Zealand, for making yet another connection between animal products and the devastating loss of our world’s rainforests.  Let us all step in unison to honor and restore the lungs of our Earth.

As on many previous occasions, Supreme Master Ching Hai again highlighted the climate-based need to eliminate meat consumption during an interview for the September 2009 edition of The House Magazine.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: On land, meat consumption is responsible for vast regions being cleared for grazing crops, that are fed to livestock. One example is seen in the deforested Amazon areas that have gone from lush forest to bare fields used for cattle grazing or primarily animal feed crops. With these activities essentially robbing our biodiversity, there has been an alarming rise in the disappearance of plants and animals.

And one of the most comprehensive studies ever conducted in the field is now forecasting that over a million species will be lost in the coming 50 years. The answer to all of this is quite clear. Stop the meat consumption.Stop it yesterday. This will eliminate the so-called need for livestock raising, which
will immediately return immense amounts of land to natural sustainability or to natural growing methods that allow biodiversity to be replenished. This is the way we need to go, and fast.


Freshwater species especially imperiled by climate change.
According to biodiversity experts of the international conservation group Diversitas, freshwater species including fish, frogs, crocodiles and turtles are dying off at rates 4 to 6 times higher than their marine or terrestrial counterparts. In a recent meeting, Diversitas members also stated that governments around the world are falling short of biodiversity goals set at a 2002 Earth Summit in South Africa that were to be achieved by 2010.

Global warming is a primary factor in the freshwater species’ loss of habitat, with decreased rainfall and drought drying up many inland water bodies. As an example of the gravity of the situation, some experts predict that by 2025, not a single Chinese river will reach the sea except during floods.

Diversitas, we appreciate your clear message about the perishing of our freshwater animal co-inhabitants, despite its alarming implications. May all of us be moved towards harmonious actions that will protect our planet.In her tireless endeavors to aid humanity in facing this global crisis, Supreme Master Ching Hai has often reminded of the life-saving benefits of more considerate, eco-conscious ways, as during a March 2009 videoconference in Mexico.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: Just return to compassion and respect for all life. That is the principle we must uphold to ensure that the animals do not disappear, because, that would be tragic for us humans, too.
Imagine our planet without animals at all. All the dogs gone, cats gone, birds gone, fish gone,buffalos gone, elephants gone; imagine, none of the animals survive; how would we live? If all humanity lives with the animal-free diet, and lives in respect to nature and other life, then we will have a Heaven on Earth.


Extra News
The United States Government Accounting Office issues a report calling on the government to begin preparing for global warming effects, including massive flooding and other natural disasters.

In the days leading up to the Copenhagen summit in December, London’s Science Museum in the United Kingdom launches an exhibition titled "Prove It!" that helps visitors learn about climate science and how humankind is causing global warming.

Carne =