Impactos del cambio climático en Madagascar - 15 Nov 2009  
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Impacts of climate change in Madagascar.
With three consecutive years of unsuccessful crops, dwindling resources in southern Madagascar have resulted in food insecurity and malnutrition among children. Village chief Valiotaky stated, “When we plant trees, we don't have rain and nothing grows.” By contrast, the country’s northern regions have been inundated with cyclones three times a year.

United Nations World Food Program Deputy Country Director Silvia Caruso said, “Environmental degradation and climate change are building on each other. The results are dramatic in Madagascar.”

Mother in Madagascar (Malagasy Language):I had seeds and planted sweet potatoes. But because there was no rain, they dried up. I noticed my daughter was getting thinner but there was no food and when she got even thinner, I took her to the health center.

Our prayers go to the people of Madagascar for Heaven’s protection and the blessings of more comfortable living conditions. Let us quickly turn to compassionate lifestyles that honor and cherish all beings for the restoration of our shared planetary home. Ever concerned for humanity’s welfare, Supreme Master Ching Hai addressedthe perilous situation facing Africa during a May 2009 videoconference in Togo.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : There are water crises from Sierra Leone to South Africa. Zimbabwe, Somalia, Mauritius, Mozambique, and Sudan – just to name a few – are experiencing worsened droughts that make it difficult to plant crops, thus adding to food shortages and prices rising. Add to this, desertification and deforestation that further degrade the land. Increased temperatures mean erratic rainfall If you’re a farmer, you already can feel that the climate is in trouble.

There are more frequent droughts, heat waves, floods, storms, frosts, freezes, and locusts than before.
If the world becomes vegan as a group, we can remedy the disasters that affect us globally.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: This is something all citizens of the world can do. Be vegan. Be a world-saver.

Spain celebrates Wind Energy Day.
Wind energy made a new record in Spain on Sunday, November 8 when it generated 53% of the nation's electricity for more than five hours, with a production around 10,170 megawatts.
This accomplishment coincided with a celebration of Wind Energy Day in the leading wind farm region of Castile and León, where informative seminars and workshops were held to celebrate the theme “Toward a New Energy Model.” With this year’s generated energy noted to be a tremendous increase over the 11.5% produced in 2008, José Donoso, head of the Spanish Wind Energy Association, said that he expects the wind power to be able to provide some 40,000 megawatts by 2020.

Our green hats off, region of Castile and León and Spain, for your admirable eco-achievement! We look forward to the day when all nations are similarly supplied by sustainable and Earth-friendly energy sources.

Nations unite for climate action.
Led by Maldives President Mohamed Nasheed, the first Climate Vulnerable Forum, or V11, was held on Tuesday, November 10 with the leaders of 11 countries present. Acknowledging their susceptibility to global warming effects that include sinking islands, melting glaciers and drought, the 11 nations of Bangladesh, Barbados, Bhutan, Ghana, Kenya, Kiribati, the Maldives, Nepal, Rwanda, Tanzania and Âu Lạc (Vietnam), agreed to a proposal that includes an atmospheric carbon goal of 350 parts per million.

This will be presented at the December United Nations Copenhagen summit. They also urged industrialized nations to pledge a percentage of economic profit towards climate action in developing countries, as the V11 members promised themselves to work towards carbon neutrality.

Your Excellencies, we laud your commitment and noble leadership in addressing the urgency of climate change. May your initiatives and goals be fully realized
to save your nationsand our planet.

Extra News
East Japan Railway develops a quieter, cleaner low-carbon train to replace the diesel-powered version, with overhead electric cables that can replenish the system’s rechargeable batteries.

Swiss company Solar Impulse has built a solar-powered prototype single seat plane that weighs only 1,600 kilograms, with hopes for a future aircraft that can fly around the world on solar power.

International news agency Reuters reports that climate negotiators at the UN conference in Copenhagen, Denmark next month will include the evaluation of farming emissions, with a focus on greenhouse gases from fertilizers and livestock.

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