Mayors Climate Summit convenes in Mexico - 25 Nov 2010  
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Mayors Climate Summit convenes in Mexico.
On Sunday, November 21, 138 mayors from 43 nations gathered in Mexico City, Mexico for the Mayors Climate Summit to pledge their help together in mitigating global warming. Supreme Master Television’s correspondent brings us this report.

Correspondent (M): Greetings from Mexico City, Mexico! We are here where the World Mayors Summit on Climate was held on Sunday, November 21. The meeting united municipal leaders from around the globe in signing the Mexico City Pact.

This voluntary agreement is a statement to the international community of the cities’ collective commitment to address climate change.

VOICE: In particular, the pact, which will be presented at the United Nations Climate Conference starting on November 29 in Cancún, Mexico, offers action plans as well as an online Local Climate Actions Record that allows cities to post their mitigation measures and achievements for easy viewing by the public.

Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary, UNFCCC (F): Cities have a huge responsibility in contributing to bringing down greenhouse gas emissions.

Correspondent (M): Conference attendees emphasized the urgency of climate change and the need for immediate actions to reverse it.

Marcelo Ebrard – Mayor of Mexico City (M): This opens the door of a technology that we’re looking for to substitute vehicles that pollute too much.

Gino van Begin – Regional Director for Europe, Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) (M): What we’re doing here is to bring this further next week to Cancún, and offer our partnership.

Correspondent (M): The government of Mexico City invited as a special guest Supreme Master Ching Hai, who has previously been welcomed at government-held climate change conferences in Mexico.

As she could not physically attend the summit due to her busy schedule, Supreme Master Ching Hai sent delegates to support the convention. Supreme Master Ching Hai also sent a well-wishing letter for the organizers and all distinguished guests in attendance.

VOICE: On the eve of the summit, our delegate Association members were invited to a dinner hosted by Mexico City Mayor Marcelo Ebrard, where they had the opportunity to present information to the mayor and other dignitaries about the organic vegan solution to climate change. It was fantastic news as well to learn from Mexico City Secretary of the Environment Martha Delgado that the summit’s official lunch menu had been planned as vegetarian and thus low-carbon. She also offered to distribute copies of our Association’s vegan recipe booklets to the delegates.

Martha Delgado – Secretary of the Environment for Mexico City (F): In the menu that we are going to distribute tomorrow, we said that one of the best issues or things to do against climate change is to encourage vegetarianism and organic food. And it is part of the message of the summit, of course. Thank you very much for bringing these for us.

VOICE: Many conference participants were glad to receive the recipe booklets and supporting information about the veg solution for the planet. Mayors and other delegates shared supportive thoughts about shifting their diet to stop climate change.

Supreme Master TV : Would you be vegan to save the planet?

Deputy Mayor of Casablanca, Morocco (M): Yes, yes. I am with you on that.

Correspondent (M): Supreme Master Television, reporting from the World Mayors Summit on Climate in Mexico City, Mexico.

VOICE: Our respectful thanks, Mexico City government and all honorable conference participants for your unified leadership to halt climate change and protect co-citizens. May your courageous initiatives, especially in urging organic vegan programs, be quickly adopted to save our planet.

Mauricio Viñambres – Mayor of Quilpué, Chile (M): Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save the Planet!

In a November 2009 videoconference in Mexico, Supreme Master Ching Hai encouraged world leaders toward measurable actions to reverse climate change.

Supreme Master Ching Hai : The governments have the power to make this urgent transition to the organic vegan diet. They should ban all animal products, informing people about the facts of animal products, explaining that because it’s poisoning their co-citizens and piling up far more costs than any gains, economically and environmentally, and because it’s eating up our planet.

According to respected Dutch scientists, tens of trillions of US dollars can be saved by world governments if all the world becomes vegan. In addition, the governments of the world have the power to make the veg trend an exciting movement for everyone toward a healthier lifestyle.

Extra News
With Indonesia’s rate of deforestation being one of the highest in the world, a group of scientists urges the government to add to its protection policy non-pristine forest areas, which are home to rich ecosystems that also help reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

As part of an agreement reached at a Caspian regional summit, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Russia, and Turkmenistan call on environmental experts to outline measures for implementing a ban on sturgeon fishing.

At the request of local communities in Papua New Guinea, the Australia-based Sea Turtle Foundation launches an awareness raising program to help both children and adults learn more about how to preserve the sea animals.

A recent study published in the journal “Tobacco Control” finds that individuals exposed to second-hand cigarette smoke are at increased risk of about one-third hearing loss across all sound frequencies.

Carne =