UK commits to climate change package - 22 May 2011  
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UK commits to climate change package.
British Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has revealed a plan for reducing the country's CO2 emissions 50% from 1990 levels by 2025 as well as changing energy sources.

The United Kingdom would thus become the first country to commit to legally-binding emissions-reduction goals beyond 2020. Secretary Huhne emphasized the plan's economic as well as ecological benefits as he stated, "It will generate jobs and export opportunities ... maintain energy security and protect our economy from oil price volatility. It's a framework... not just for action on climate but for growth and prosperity." 

We applaud your eco-leadership, Your Excellency and United Kingdom. May such green initiatives encourage many others toward ones of similar benefit for our planet and all her inhabitants.,

Extra News
A report by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and non-profit Plan International reveals that children in developing countries are among the most vulnerable to climate change, with extreme weather being associated with increased diarrhea, low birth weight and malnutrition.,

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