Unsustainable development led to the collapse of the ancient Mayans - 13 Sep 2011  
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Unsustainable development led to the collapse of the ancient Mayans.
A major exhibit at the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris, France titled “Maya: From Dawn to Dusk” showcases the latest archeological findings of the Mayan culture from Guatemala's Mirador Basin. US archaeologist and research lead Dr. Richard Hansen stated that these provide additional evidence of the deforestation and environmental degradation that caused the collapse of the once-flourishing civilization.

With regions of Mexico and Central America that advanced culturally and scientifically for more than 3,000 years, the Mayan Mirador Basin was once a sophisticated urban area with structures that measured larger than the Egyptian pyramids.

During an interview with Inter Press Service, Dr. Hansen spoke of the intense deforestation that contributed to the demise of El Mirador, saying that the historical collapse of all civilizations can be traced to humanity's lack of respect for environmental balance.

Dr. Hansen and colleagues, many thanks for these insights into conditions from the past that also parallel our current situation on Earth. May we all benefit from the lessons offered by their examples by swiftly adopting lifestyles more in harmony with nature.

During a May 2009 videoconference in Togo, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke of past civilizations as she highlighted the inner qualities needed to secure a stable future for our planet. At least 2 major times that our planet has undergone major destruction due to detrimental human activities.

Supreme Master Ching Hai: It may be that past civilizations on Earth did not last also because their moral standard did not develop along with their technical power. Spiritual development and compassion are what ensures the safety and balance of every other endeavor.

I pray that our civilization will be different, will be wiser, and more advanced in many beneficial ways. So, let us not neglect to cultivate our virtues.

We all must be veg, go green, if we are to save the planet.

Extra News
As the remaining US troops begin to depart from Iraq, Moqtada al-Sadr, head of an Iraqi group known as the Mehdi Army, orders his soldiers as of September 10 to halt all attacks on the US military, saying that he wishes to ensure their smooth departure and a complete withdrawal scheduled for the end of
this year.



Bhutan’s agricultural experts and farmers convey their alarm at the increasing crop losses caused by climate change, noting that weather extremes such as erratic rainfall, droughts, flash floods and landslides caused a 22% decrease in maize harvests between 2004 and 2006 and the loss of a full 50% in 2007.  



In a September 7, 2011 report by the US-based Marine Conservation Biology Institute, leading international marine scientists and experts call for an end to most commercial deep sea fishing, saying that these fish have become vulnerable to extinction.


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