Ancient sea coral analysis reveals unstable sea levels in the past - 18 Sep 2011  
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Ancient sea coral analysis reveals unstable sea levels in the past.  
A study of coral samples from the Bahamas indicates that sea levels during a period known as the Last Interglacial, around 120,000 years ago, fluctuated by as much as four to six meters.
This data was revealed through a more advanced coral dating method recently developed by a US research team led by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI).

Scientists thus have a new understanding of the Last Interglacial, which is a time period that global average temperatures were as warm or warmer than they are today, with sea levels that could have been about six meters higher.

The researchers point out that currently increasing global temperatures could similarly lead to steep sea level rises, with WHOI geochronologist Dr. William G. Thompson saying that the volatility of this situation is a crucial matter that should be considered by the significant portion of the world's population that lives in coastal zones. 

Many thanks, Dr. Thompson and colleagues, for your discoveries that provide us with a more comprehensive understanding of climate change effects. Let us quickly heed these lessons of the past and work to stabilize our planet for the safeguarding of all beings on Earth.

During a December 2010 interview by El Quintanarroense newspaper, Supreme Master Ching Hai warned of the devastating implications of rising sea levels and offered the single most effective way to restore the balance and protection of the ecosphere.

Hundreds of thousands of people have to relocate because of rising water or because no water. Either the flood destroys all their houses and harvest so that they cannot live anymore and after that is drought, because no trees, nothing, to keep the water to distribute regularly and evenly, so all the water flushed it all down at one time and nothing keeps it; it’s gone to the sea. And then the sea is warming because of methane and everything, and all the runoff chemicals, and then the sea warms more of the ice and the ice melts more and the sea keeps rising.

So, people have to run either because of sinking island or rising sea level or flood or drought. It’s all extreme.

You cannot just point finger at one or two organizations. It’s just all together because we are warming the climate by cutting the trees, by raising the animals who do produce methane.

According to the latest report, animals is responsible for 51%, at least, of all the greenhouse gas emissions that heat up the planet.

So if we stop animal industry, we cut out 51% of the heat.

US researchers from Stanford University studying the effects of carbon dioxide entering ocean waters via hydrothermal vents near Ischia, Italy find that the marine ecosystems are disturbingly high in acidity, with shelled organisms such as clams, mussels, scallops, small crabs, sea urchins, and shrimps all completely absent.

The Asian Development Bank warns in a September 2011 report that climate change is affecting food production in the Asia-Pacific region as it urges regional nations toward growing climate-resistant crops and employing new technologies that improve production, to avoid a rise in hunger and malnutrition.

Following the second hottest summer on record in the US, the city of International Falls, Minnesota dips to below freezing at 19 degrees Fahrenheit (-7 degrees Celsius) on September 15, 2011, a lowest ever temperature for the month.

Carne =