US scientist focuses on diet to stop climate change - 6 Nov 2011  
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US scientist focuses on diet to stop climate change.
Ahead of the December United Nations Climate Change Conference in South Africa, former World Bank senior environmental advisor Dr. Robert Goodland has been campaigning to convince nations everywhere that livestock raising should be the focus in halting global warming.

Dr. Goodland states that even starting with a 25% reduction in meat consumption would help achieve the goals of agreements such as the Kyoto Protocol and Copenhagen Accord set by the United Nations.

In 2009, Dr. Goodland co-authored a landmark report stating that the life cycle of livestock production is accountable for at least 51% of all greenhouse gas emissions, after factoring in new sources such as the carbon emitted through animal respiration.  

Robert Goodland (M): Sixty billion livestock animals were raised, 60 billion were killed, and 60 billion were eaten by us. Sixty billion animals of livestock respiration emits 10 billion tons of carbon, whereas the transport sector only emits 6 billion. The carbon dioxide emitted by pigs, cows, chickens, is roughly the same per kilogram of body weight. It's about two watts per kilogram.

Therefore, switching from beef to pork, or beef to pork to chicken won't help solve climate risk. The only thing you can do is to reduce livestock intake yourselves.
Now, if you can reduce your intake by more, and Professor Choi this morning mentioned that people go vegetarian, that's even better. That would be absolutely brilliant.

VOICE: Dr. Goodland joins other scientists in pointing out that changing our lifestyles would also allow forest regeneration, which he states is the only way to sequester today’s atmospheric carbon dioxide on a large scale.

Robert Goodland (M): Saving the planet means preventing climate catastrophe, and it's much easier than people think. People think that you have to change from fossil fuels to renewable energy.

That is essential, but it's too long term. We haven't got the time to change totally from fossil fuels, coal, and oil to renewable energies.

But on the other hand, individuals, by a reduction in livestock production, can make a huge difference in preventing climate change. It's a very hopeful message.

VOICE: Our appreciation, Dr. Robert Goodland for raising awareness on the most crucial solution to climate change – to be veg. May we all join in efforts to avert a planetary crisis by shifting to vegan agriculture and diets today.

During a December 2010 press conference with members of the Mexican media, Supreme Master Ching Hai explained that dietary change is the priority in addressing climate change.

That’s why we focus on the vegan diet because that cools the planet almost in the few years. And the green technology takes time to develop and install and to distribute.

Without cooling the planet, we don’t have time for even wind energy, solar energy, electric car, nothing!
The way we are going now, scientists predict that soon we will reach even 5 degrees-plus Celsius.

That means catastrophe for all lives on this planet. So even if we develop green technology, it’s too late. And so slow, you know that. And expensive, because it’s new and it’s not even tried and trusted.

So vegan is the answer.

First! Everything else second.

Extra News
Released on November 02, 2011,the United Nations 2011 Human Development report warns that climate change-related droughts, floods, and rising sea levels could reverse improvements made to millions of people's lives, while also stating that achieving sustainable living is a matter of basic social justice.

With temperatures noted to be rapidly rising in mountain regions along with observed shrinkage of glaciers in the Pyrenees range, the Pyrenees Working Community and the European Environment Agency agree at the end of October 2011 to collaborate in efforts to protect against the impacts of climate change.


In response to alarm expressed by environmental groups at the presence of whales in shipping lanes, the US Coast Guard announced on November 1, 2011 that ship travel in the Santa Barbara Channel along the coast of California, USA would be shifted to protect the whales and preserve the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary.


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