PLANETA TIERRA: Nuestro Querido Hogar
El Foro Mundial del Agua y las Ciudades 2009, P1/2    Parte 1

Welcome, caring viewers, to today’s episode of Planet Earth: Our Loving Home on Supreme Master Television. From August 18 to 21, over 5,000 participants convened at the World City Water Forum 2009 in Incheon, South Korea. The Forum’s theme was “Innovation and Harmony of Water and Cities.”

The event was sponsored by the Organizing Committee of the World City Water Forum, the Korea Water Forum and the Incheon Regional Environmental Technology Development Center, with support from  various South Korean government agencies. Prominent scientists, key government leaders, academics and youth delegates from 50 countries gathered to discuss vital topics such as global warming’s effects on water supplies, climate change adaptation through rainwater harvesting, global increases in floods and droughts, ground water management and water pollution.

The esteemed speakers included His Excellency the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tuvalu Apisai Ielemia, His Excellency Anote Tong, President of the Republic of Kiribati, the former Prime Minister of Japan, His Excellency Yoshiro Mori and His Excellency South Korean Prime Minister Dr. Han Seung Soo.


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