PLANETA TIERRA: Nuestro Querido Hogar
“Changes in Climate, Changes in Lives” - A Message from Greenpeace Brasil, P1/2 (In Portuguese)    Parte 1
Parte 1
Parte 2

Hallo, eco-friendly viewers, and welcome to Planet Earth: Our Loving Home. Greenpeace Brasil is a branch of the global non-profit conservation organization Greenpeace, which seeks green solutions to environmental issues around the world.

Greenpeace Brasil’s members are dedicated to mitigating climate change and making a difference in shaping the future of planet Earth. Here is what Guarany Osório, Coordinator of the Climate Campaign for Greenpeace Brasil, has to say about the group’s efforts:

Guarany(m): This year is the final year to save the planet. At the end of the year in December, countries from all over the world will be discussing the next international agreement that will regulate climate change.
In other words, it will be the agreement that will succeed the Kyoto Protocol. Due to the current state of the critical climatic system of the planet, we launched this slogan: 『To Save the Planet. It is Now or Now』 because the countries and our generation have the duty of saving the planet now.

We believe that Brazil can perform a fundamental role in the agreement in Copenhagen. Why?
Because Brazil is the fourth largest emitter of greenhouse gases in the world.
Seventy-five percent of Brazilian emissions derive from deforestation. So, if Brazil eliminates deforestation in the Amazon and invests in renewable energies, as Brazil has a great potential in this area, it can make a difference in helping to save the planet from the climate crisis.

In 2006 Greenpeace Brasil produced the compelling documentary 『Changes in Climate, Changes in Lives』 on the effects of global warming in the country. Brazil’s experiences are applicable to us all, as climate change impacts everyone on our planet.

Thus the message of this powerful film has global relevance. We would now like to present selected segments from this insightful work.

For more on Greenpeace Brasil,please visit

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