An intelligent canine companion helps a diabetic girl - 31 Dec 2010  
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In animal news, an intelligent canine companion helps a diabetic girl. Ruby is able to detect when two-year-old Faith Wilson of Dallas, Texas, USA has high or low blood sugar levels. Faith has very unstable fluctuations of blood sugar which require careful monitoring. To signal Faith’s mom, Ms. Sarah Wilson, Ruby fetches a pink stick called a brinsel. Ms. Wilson then tests Faith’s blood sugar and administers the appropriate treatment, such as insulin. Ruby is considered the first diabetic alert dog for children under the age of 12. Ms. Wilson said, “I don’t have a dog, I have an angel with fur.”

Bravo, angelic Ruby, for your life-protecting care of Faith. May the two of you have many healthy and happy years together with your loved ones, thriving in each other’s cherished company.

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