Raw Vegan: Naturopath Healing with Ghana’s Dr. Kwasi Ofei Agyemang (In Ewe)   

Welcome intelligent viewers to Healthy Living on Supreme Master Television.
Today’s episode features Dr. Kwasi Ofei Agyemang of Ghana, a naturopathic physician who is the founder of a vegetarian association in his country and of the New Life Clinic which assists patients in overcoming illness through holistic healing and the raw vegan diet or a diet where only animal-free foods that are uncooked or cooked at temperatures below 46 degrees Celsius are consumed.

Naturopathy is based on the philosophy that the human body has the inherent ability to prevail over disease and heal. It also focuses on preventative measures to avoid illness in the first place.

In naturopathic treatment, the principal goal is to restore the patient’s vitality and well-being naturally. Often the therapy will involve the use of herbal medicine, homeopathy, exercise and modification of diet. Dr. Ofei Agyemang trained in Britain at the Life Science Institute in North London, the Natural Therapy School in Jersey, and also at the School of Natural Hygiene in Texas, USA.

As a respected authority on health and diet, Dr. Ofei Agyemang has been invited to many important gatherings such as the “Vegetarianism;Disease and Prevention” seminar in Ghana in 2004, and recently was a speaker at the “Be Organic Vegan to Save the Planet” live videoconference with special Guest of Honor Supreme Master Ching Hai in Lomé, Togo, on May 9, 2009.

Let’s now hear from Dr. Ofei Agyemang, as he contrasts conventional medicine with naturopathy.

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