Optimal Health through Nutritional Excellence with Baxter Montgomery, M.D. P2/2    Parte 1
Parte 1
Parte 2

Welcome, health–conscious viewers,to Healthy Living.
Today’s show features the Houston Cardiac Association in Houston, Texas, USA founded by cardiologist Dr. Baxter Montgomery. The center provides the finest in cardiovascular medical care, with many of its patients’ healing miracles resulting from changing to a rejuvenating, plant-based diet.

Dr. Montgomery himself follows a vegan, meaning animal-free, lifestyle.

One of our Supreme Master Television correspondents recently met with Dr. Montgomery to learn more about the wonderful health benefits many of his grateful patients experience.

Dr Montgomery(m): Over the years in treating patients in my private practice, I realized that treating with medications, the procedures we did, the surgeries we performed, essentially did not control the underlying condition.

I noticed that my patients, despite the increasing technology and the medications, continued to get sicker all the time.

HOST: Dr. Montgomery delved into the scientific literature to find a better way to treat heart ailments.

Dr Montgomery(m): The more I researched, looked at the literature, I would see data suggesting that we needed to consume more plant-based foods to prevent cancer.

For instance, we needed to consume more plant-based food to prevent heart disease and the like.
And then there was data out that suggested people that consume only plant-based foods did better than people that did not. So when I looked at all of the data,
it became obvious that plant-based food was the common denominator.

For more about Dr. Montgomery,
please visit

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