Playgrounds for Palestine: An Act of Love (In Arabic)   

Looking back at childhood, some of us may recall playground experiences such as soaring through the air on a swing set, riding on a merry-go-round or digging in a sandbox. Playgrounds are places where children laugh, have adventures, let their imaginations run free and express their creativity.

However, not all kids are privileged to have such a space. In the beautiful region of Palestine, for example, social conflict has deprived many youngsters of this simple source of joy.

But fortunately, through the US-based humanitarian project Playgrounds for Palestine, Palestinian children are now getting play areas of their own, one at a time.

Welcome, special viewers, to this week’s edition of Good People, Good Works, where we will profile the work of this benevolent group.

Playgrounds for Palestine, founded in 2002 by author Susan Abulhawa is based in Pennsylvania, USA, with another chapter in Madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Supreme Master Television recently had the chance to speak with Ms. Abulhawa about the group, its mission and its many altruistic projects. We began by asking what gave her the idea to start the organization.

For more information about Playgrounds for Palestine,
please visit

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