Tamaki Primary School - Cultivating Veggies and Minds   

Hallo, loving viewers, this is Good People, Good Works on Supreme Master Television.

On this edition we visit the delightful Tamaki Primary School in Auckland, New Zealand, where the seeds for good health are being planted among the children of the indigenous Maori and Pasifika peoples, who have a rich heritage to share with the world. In addition to standard lessons in reading, writing and arithmetic,
Tamaki Primary School is special in that it also teaches students how to grow their own garden vegetables through hands-on experience at school.

Let's now travel to Auckland and meet Ms. Rhonda Kelly, the School’s assistant principal, who will tell us how this inspirational project began.

Rhonda(f): For a long time our curriculum has been revolving around 『healthy bodies, healthy minds, healthy eating.』 This was a really practical way that we thought we’d be able to show the children how to grow their own vegetables and do it all themselves at school and at home.We did our plan, put forward our submission to the Auckland Area Health Board, and they provided the funding for us.

Rhonda:  One of the big strengths of our garden is that we have things like.  The Cool Kid’s Café. The vegetables that are produced in the garden go to the Cool Kid’s Café and are made into lunches for the children.

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