Una gran familia: La protectora Fundación de San Francisco de Déva - P1 de 2 (húngaro)    Parte 2

Welcome, smiling viewers, to another edition of Good People, Good Works.
Today we travel to the city of Déva in southern Transylvania, Romania to meet Brother Csaba, a monk of the Franciscan Catholic order and the founder of the Saint Francis Foundation of Déva.

The Foundation, with a 200-member strong staff and 1800 volunteers, is dedicated to caring for those children in Romania without homes or that cannot live with their parents for various reasons at 50 『child protection centers』 throughout the country.

Most of the children who are taken in are ethnic Hungarian and thus only speak Hungarian as previously Transylvania was part of Hungary.

Let us now hear from Brother Csaba, who is an ethnic Hungarian from Transylvania, on the humble beginnings of this caring charitable organization.

For more details on the Saint Francis Foundation
of Déva, please visit:

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