Ser uno con todo: Amelia Kinkade, artista, autora y comunicadora telepática con animales P1/2   
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Parte 2 Play with windows media
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Sweet viewers, welcome to today’s Animal World: Our Co-Inhabitants featuring telepathic animal communicator, international public speaker, author, painter, dancer and animal welfare advocate Amelia Kinkade of Hollywood, California, USA.Amelia has loved and adored animals all her life. In her mid-twenties she took a class on animal communication and from that point on developed an ability to communicate with animals telepathically.

 Amelia (f): All living beings and inanimate objects are emanating teeny tiny particles of information, teeny tiny pieces of quanta.

Amelia (f): That information is all around us; it is no different from having this airspace filled with radio waves.

HOST: Amelia’s ability to understand animals has led to widespread interest in her work and international media coverage. She has been featured in the prestigious US newspaper the New York Times and the German magazine Bilt der Frau, as well as on BBC News, the South African TV news magazine Carte Blanche and over 300 radio programs worldwide. A BBC documentary describes her work with elephants in South Africa’s Kruger National Park.

Books by Amelia Kinkade are available at

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