An Interview with SMCH by James Bean of Spiritual Awakening Radio P 1/2 July 16, 2009    Parte 2
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Parte 2 Play with windows media
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On July 16, 2009 Supreme Master Ching Hai accepted an invitation by radio talk show host and producer of Spiritual Awakening Radio, James Bean, for a discussion about the connection of vegetarianism to global warming and spirituality.

On his blog, Gaia at, Mr. Bean who is also a comparative religion scholar and book reviewer, shared the seven things which he believes: God is real; God is love; all the world script-xures teach about the same manifestation of God as an inner mystical Light and Sound; our true identity is soul, the Self; we can experience God’s love during meditation and can rise above the body-consciousness to explore the “Kingdom of the Heavens” within; and finally, our purpose of life is fulfilled when we are initiated into the mysteries of the spirit by a Living Teacher or Sant SatGuru.

To share the wisdom of the Masters, the richness of the world script-xures,and the diverse spiritual paths and world religions, Mr. Bean started to produce his own programs on Spiritual Awakening Radio, which is a weekly program broadcast on radio network.

Founded by Linda Mackenzie in 2002, was one of the first “Live” all good news radio stations on the internet. It initially broadcast five days a week, and 2 years later, has over 2 million listeners worldwide in 49 countries,broadcasting 24/7.

Today, it has millions of loyal listeners in over 100 countries, reaching over 1200 cities throughout the U.S. radio is also syndicated on many internet radio streams,private radio networks,and is available on Wifi,PDAs, and Smartphones.

We now invite you to listen to 2 part series of  “An Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by James Bean of Spiritual Awakening Radio”. on July 16, 2009

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